Buhari says he's "not dead yet."

It was a sad joke when a character in a Monty Python movie claimed to be "not dead yet." In Nigeria, recently, it was defensive politics for the president to make the same claim.

'It's real me': Nigerian president denies dying and being replaced by clone
Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari has denied claims that he had died and was replaced by a Sudanese impostor, breaking his silence on a rumour that has circulated on social media for months.

Buhari, who is running for re-election in February, spent five months in Britain last year being treated for an undisclosed illness. One theory widely aired on social media – and by some political opponents – was that he had been replaced by a lookalike from Sudan called Jubril.

No evidence has been presented, but videos making the claim have been viewed thousands of times on YouTube and Facebook

“It’s real me, I assure you. I will soon celebrate my 76th birthday and I will still go strong,” Buhari told Nigerians in a town hall session in Poland on Sunday, where he was attending a conference, when asked about Jubril…

The Nigerian leader said he was looking forward to celebrating his 76th birthday on December 17 and jocularly added: ‘‘If I am getting harassed by anyone, it is my grandchildren, who are getting too many.’’…

A video of the president answering the question, which shows his colleagues laughing as the question is read out, has been posted to the president’s Twitter account, which is followed by 1.76m people, where it is pinned as his top tweet.

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